Here's to our 7th! Glenn took over this year (even though it was my year to plan) because my plate had more than I could humanly coordinate. Bless him. When he offered to take over on the planning I could hardly contain jumping for joy!
This year was our copper anniversary. I love what Glenn came up with to celebrate- wonderful dinner at PF Chang's, folder full of random journal entries from the past seven years gathered by "his team", and ending the evening on the beach with seven copper pennies dated 2004-2010. He had originally planned on tossing them into a romantic fountain, but the fountains were closed for the night, so we headed out to the ocean. We stood on the beach chatting about the events and lessons from each specific year, then tossed each penny with what we took away from that year in our hearts and minds. It was perfect.
The best part at the beach (aside from scanning the perimeter ever two minutes to be sure we weren't going to be attacked... highly unlikely in our end of town, but you never know! The dark ocean at night is a mixture of exciting and scary) was that after we had finished talking about our first year of marriage, I lifted my hand to toss in our 2004 penny and accidentally dropped it in the sand! We laughed and laughed at the irony and Glenn didn't miss a beat- he grabbed a piece of wood and said "Here, toss this in, it doesn't matter what it is!". After his careful work to find a perfect 2004 penny! He wasn't even bothered... We found the penny a second later, but I loved it because it shows Glenn's ability to stand back from the situation, look at the big picture and what really matters. He's much better at that than I am.
My other favorite part of the evening was the feeling that settled in about five minutes after we sat down at the restaurant. The feeling of not being responsible for anything AND being with my best friend. That feeling makes me giddy- as Glenn can attest. I think people at nearby tables must think I am drunk, because I start to laugh a lot and hard when it hits! I love it and I'm so grateful for those times and memories with Glenn. He really is my favorite.
It's been a great seven years full of babies, growing children, challenging college years, getting real jobs, tons of callings (mainly for Glenn), worrying about finances, relaxing about finances, then worrying again as we support five on one income, family trips and outings, laughing, crying, Cosby episodes, Dick Van Dyke Episodes, a lot of chocolate chip cookies and brownies, haircuts at home that take an hour, sleep deprivation, date nights, and work, work, and work-- all of it has taught me that Glenn is an even better husband and father than I had even suspected that afternoon in the temple as I cried with joy to get him forever. Seven pennies later, I feel like one lucky girl.

It's ever so touching! I think your blessings are all in your attitude, Kristen. I also read the post there and got to know more about the love story (Part I). You truly live the wisdom when others are trying to talk it.
You are a babe...I love your story, and what a great way to celebrate!!
Seven pennies later... I love it! How lucky you both are to have eachother!
So, so sweet!
I just LOVE this! I totally cried! Our anniversary is 2 days after Christmas (in between semesters) We are usually out of money and energy and are lucky if we have the energy to go to even a movie! I may take on your tradition but do our 1/2 anniversary! I love love love this! The best! Marriage and life and kids and all of it are just to hard and wonderful not to celebrate it to the fullest! Totally inspired me! :)
That was beautiful, Kristen! (The post and the pictures.)
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