Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Enough Said.


Morgan and Joel said...

ha! I have a similar post on my blog coming too....those boys...

Glennard said...

That is a cute boy. The problem is, he knows he's cute and is counting on that to get him out of trouble!

Tahnee said...

hahahahhaha. hmmm looks like to me that he has a bit of his dad in him. For some reason that scribble looks like the next animated movie.

Suzy J said...

I love that there is some on his little head! The other day Juliet was cleaning with a clorox wipe and wiping some of her "colors" of the dresser. I was praising her for being such a big helper (they were old colors) and she got a big smile and ran to the door! She closed the door and there was A LOT of colors on the back of the door and on the wall that the door hides when it is open. LIttle sneaky sneak! She continued to clean expecting some praise. Maybe one day they will be famous artists and take care of their mommies. It's all I got. Cling to that when you are gritting your teeth and hiding the markers....again.