Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mona Lisa Smile

(Sorry, I can get a couple of the pics back on this entry, but it doesn't let me move them...)

He even laughed once in the bathtub. So, we've decided we'll keep him despite the sleep depravity. What can we say? He's got his brother's charm... which allows them to get away with a LOT. Glenn and I have had a joke the last few years that children can only be as difficult as they are cute if they are going to live. This gives my boys (in my motherly, unbiased, opinion) WAY too much leeway for misbehavior! And how they have a hold on my heart!

If I hold Jonas like this , he will smile and coo at me and look me straight in the eye. It is funny, but somehow that makes you feel like the most important person in their world. It is so validating and just plain fun!

Max continues to be the boy of the year in my book. He has not been misbehaving. In fact, he surprises me everyday with how very good he genuinely is. A couple examples- two days ago I sneezed while nursing Jonas and we had company over in the other room, so I asked Max to get me a Kleenex (remember he is only 2, so I had no idea if he even fully understood my request). I waited a couple of minutes then dashed out of the room thinking I could wait no longer. A minute later I heard a little boy frantically calling for me, panicked because he couldn't find me in the room he had left me... and what was in his arms- a box full of tissues! Also, yesterday Max's 5 year old cousin, Gabriel, was here. I was helping the two put a puzzle together and Max would cheer "Yeah Gabriel, good job!" every time Gabriel put a piece in the right place... melt me. If this beautiful Jonas turns out as sweet as his big brother, I might be able to do the Harmon legacy of six boys after all.


Emilie said...

I love having all girls, they are such good friends as I know Max and Jonas will be. What cute boys you have!

Andrea said...

I completely agree...your boys are adorable. And Max...he's is just such a sweetheart. He can come and play with Eden anytime.

Britt Wright said...

Kristen, Jonas looks very similar to Max. Cute boys! And if you don't mind me saying...you're looking good yourself. Isn't being a mom the best calling. Love ya!

TysonandMarthaGerber said...

That's awesome. I love how at the end of the day - you would never turn anything back.

We love you!

JAMIE said...

I am not sure why, but I can't see the pics you posted. Do you have any idea why that would be?