Friday, July 28, 2006

He's Really One!

Well, he made it despite whatever bad parenting I've done this past year! It is hard to believe that I have had my body back to myself for a full year now. I was quite sure that I would be running everyday by now and look quite stunning in a swimsuit (for those who don't know I kept a copy of the Land's End swimsuit catalogue by the side of my bed for the last three months of my pregnancy and would dream about which one I would pick when I no longer looked like a beached whale). Well, I do run everyday... a business that is. Hence, the other running is quite rare- unless you count chasing Max up the stairs 30 times a day. As for looking stunning in a swimsuit... well, let's just say that's on next summer's 'To Do' list.

But now let's get to the good stuff. Max is so full of charm I can hardly stand it. He giggles all day long and the effect is only intensified by his radical curls and Alf-like front teeth. He is very intelligent and feeds off of social attention. Physically, he is 24 lbs. (can we say chunk?) though he does not have any fat rolls (Jordan? He, he!) and taller than a lot of two year olds. Walking is still not on the horizon, but climbing the stairs despite his mothers "Come here, come here, come here" beckoning calls is his favorite past-time when we are tethered to the business during hours. Peek-a-boo never dulls in excitement. Maybe I should be concerned that all he can do when he sees my face is laugh...

As for the big first birthday party- it was great. My ever-wonderful and busy-beyond-all-reason husband cleared the day to make him a first year video. I don't know if 'The Woman' should see this. It is intensely cute and I think 'The Man' might be forced into doing some more videos- especially after he did such a fabulous job on your birthday DVD. We were surrounded by our favorite family and friends (that's right out-of-towners, I said favorite and if you want to get back on that list you'll have to come back to where you really belong :) ). Though Mindy- we loved that card. Thank you so much- it really made our day and eased that we couldn't have you with us. I guess you've made it back on the favorite list :). Though truly, I really do miss all of you that are out of state. If only I could have that transport beam from Star Trek...

Check out the Laptop cake. Yes, it does accurately depict Max's true love at this stage in life.

Well, I'm sure this is all more than we hoped to hear from me for one day. So best of luck and thanks for the encouragement. I'll try to attach b-day photos, but that may not be possible with our lovely dial-up internet.


Karen said...

I have a great picture of the laptop if you need it... Fun party! I think Max may have been a little bewildered by all the attention but he rose to the occasion! You sure went all out for him!

Michelle said...

Hey "MaxMomma"! Great blog! I love checking up with Midny's in-laws, and sneaking a peek into their lives. It sounds like your cutie is growing up so much and getting so adorable! Thanks for the update!